No better day than today for my visit to the University of Oklahoma and a tour of the National Weather Center. There is currently a severe weather and tornado warning for this part of Oklahoma. I saw the NWC experts working hard to protect the lives of Oklahomans and other Americans who are in the path of this storm. The NWC is an extraordinary example of the importance of universities partnering with the federal government, state governments, and others in service to our nation.
OU is the state's flagship university and home not only to the NWC, but an array of cutting-edge science and engineering programs and a National Science Foundation (NSF) Accelerating Research Translation (ART) project called InTRO – The Intensifying Translational Research in Oklahoma project.
Thank you Tomas Diaz de la Rubia, Carol L Silva, Michael Purcell, West Ann,
Hank Jenkins-Smith, Michael Schade, J.D., CLP, Georgia Kosmopoulou, Angela M. Person, Benjamin Heddy, Pete Froslie, Jessica Cavin, Andrew Reader, Tamara Franklin, PK Imbrie, Michelle Dewees, and other OU research leaders for hosting me. I appreciated the opportunity to learn more about OU’s growing and diverse research endeavors, and the strategic research framework underpinning the University's success. I was also grateful for our discussion about COGR’s advocacy for sound, efficient, and effective research regulation.
Learn more about:
-OU Research:
-National Weather Center:
-OU Research leaders: