TWAS-AREP : The World Academy of Sciences’ Arab Regional Partner

TWAS-AREP : The World Academy of Sciences’ Arab Regional Partner


Alexandria، Alexandria ٧٣٢ متابع

TWAS-AREP aims to promote scientific capacity and excellence for sustainable development in the region.

نبذة عنا

What is TWAS-AREP? The World Academy of Sciences for the advancement of science in developing countries (TWAS) is a global science academy based in Trieste, Italy since 1983. It works to advance science and engineering for sustainable prosperity in the developing world. To help disseminate and share TWAS information about its activities throughout the developing world, the Academy has established five regional offices (as first known) worldwide; the regional office which is concerned with the Arab region is the TWAS Arab Regional Office (TWAS-ARO). In June 2004, it was agreed upon that the TWAS Arab Regional Office (TWAS-ARO) will be managed within the Bibliotheca Alexandrina (BA), in Alexandria, Egypt. TWAS-ARO is hosted at BA through the Center for Special Studies and Programs (CSSP) since 2005. TWAS-ARO was launched at the BA, 2-3 June 2005, under the theme “Visions and Expectations”. It aims to promote scientific capacity and excellence for sustainable development in the region through annual activities for the Arab scientists especially young researchers. The overall objective is to promote the activities of TWAS and its affiliated organizations in the region, as recommended by the Academy's current and future strategic plans. By action of the TWAS Council, the name was changed effective in 2018 to TWAS Arab Regional Partner (TWAS-AREP). TWAS Arab members include tens of distinguished scientists from different Arab countries.

الموقع الإلكتروني
المجال المهني
حجم الشركة
٢ - ١٠ موظفين
المقر الرئيسي
Alexandria, Alexandria
تم التأسيس
Promote Scientific Capacity، Sustainable Development، Arab Scientists، و Young Researchers

المواقع الجغرافية


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