📃Scientific paper: Two 100 TeV neutrinos coincident with the Seyfert galaxy NGC 7469
In 2013, the IceCube collaboration announced the detection of a diffuse
high-energy astrophysical neutrino flux.
The origin of this flux is still
largely unknown.
The most significant individual source is the close-by Seyfert
galaxy NGC 1068 at 4.2-sigma level with a soft spectral index.
To identify
sources based on their counterpart, IceCube releases realtime alerts
corresponding to neutrinos with a high probability of astrophysical origin.
report here the spatial coincidence of two neutrino alerts, IC220424A and
IC230416A, with the Seyfert galaxy NGC 7469 at a distance of 70 Mpc.
evaluate, a-posteriori, the chance probability of such a coincidence and
discuss this source as a neutrino emitter based on its multi-wavelength
properties and in comparison to NGC 1068.
To calculate the chance coincidence
considering neutrino emission from a specific source population, we perform a
Goodness-of-Fit test with a test statistic derived from a likelihood ratio that
includes the neutrino angular uncertainty and the source distance.
We apply
this test first to a catalog of AGN sources and second to a catalog of Seyfert
galaxies only.
Our a-posteriori evaluation excludes the chance coincidence of
the two neutrinos with the Seyfert galaxy NGC 7469 at 3.3-sigma level.
To be
compatible with non-detections of TeV neutrinos, the source would need to have
a hard spectral index.
;Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, submitted to Astronomy & Astrophysics
Continued on ES/IODE ➡️ https://etcse.fr/5sDVr
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