Your expertise can help make a difference for the 4.4 million #Veterans who live in rural communities where distance makes access to care challenging. If you’re ready to help bridge the gap, explore a career serving Veterans today: #NationalRuralHealthDay
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Nephrologist Pretending to Be Retired
7hHaving served in the VHA for eleven years following a 35-year AF and DoD-GS career, I recognize that the VHA is the ONLY medical entity in this Country with the financial time-horizon to be able to look to improved long-term health outcomes 20 and 30 years into the future through employing systems-based multi-disciplinary disease management architecture. Rural health is an environment where the short-term financialized structure of commercial healthcare fails to see a n acceptable ROI. It is exactly where the VHA can and SHOULD support comprehensive services for Veterans. Aping the short-term “success metrics” of the commercial medical world is not only fiscally inappropriate, it is morally wrong.