From the course: ZBrush Sculpting Project: The Wintery Snowman
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Sculpting the buttons - ZBrush Tutorial
From the course: ZBrush Sculpting Project: The Wintery Snowman
Sculpting the buttons
- [Instructor] So the first thing I want to do is just smooth out my button and see how well it handles because I don't have any of those edge loops. So I'll just hit divide once and you can see what's happening. It's automatically making it much rounded and I really want. I'm going to divide it one more time just to see, actually I can live with that. I'm going to show you how I kind of fix that. All right, so I'm going to divide that up a number of times to a level five. So with the button, I'm looking to do two different things. One, I want to inset into a little bit, and I also also want to bring this out, but also make it a bit more square. So I'll start with the exterior of the button first. Okay and what I'm going to do is go to my clay tubes. You'll also have a couple of more tools. I went ahead and added a few more offline. Okay, so with my clay tubes selected, what I want to do is just sculpt right across the button. I could turn on my radius, but I'm just going to go ahead…
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