From the course: Tech Career Skills: Effective Technical Communication

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Why standards are needed

Why standards are needed

- In all areas of life, standards exist whether we want them or not. There are safety standards to protect us on the road, food standards to protect what we eat, and banking standards to protect our money. In software teams, we have standards that shape not only what we develop, but how we go about doing so. These standards serve as a baseline for decision-making, help reduce uncertainty, and ultimately save time, as expectations are clearly understood by all. I once worked on a mobile application that downloaded video content for offline playback. The requirements were to download the videos in a batch process once a day. And that's exactly what we did. After the release, we started to receive complaints from users that the app was eating up all of their mobile data. As a result, many of those same users uninstalled their application. This could have been prevented if we had tighter standards in place. What are some things we should have thought about? Well the first thing should…
