From the course: Squarespace Essential Training: The Basics (2023)

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Including a video in long content

Including a video in long content

- [Instructor] Now the last thing that I'd like to add to the Our Process page is a video. And the video I would like to display in between the first and second paragraphs of our content. So let's take a look at how we might go about doing that. I'm going to start by editing my Our Process page. And as you see here, my text is in one very long block. There is no way for me to put that video here in between these paragraphs when my text is in one long block. How can I get around this problem? Well, the best way to do this is to split your text into two blocks. And so to do that, we're going to start by adding a block here on the page. It'll be another text block. It's going to just put this in somewhere on the page. Wherever it puts it is fine. I'm going to take my first paragraph, and I'm going to cut and then paste into my new text box here, just like that. So now we have two text boxes. Then what I'm going to need…
