From the course: SketchUp Pro 2024 Essential Training

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Flipping and mirroring objects in SketchUp

Flipping and mirroring objects in SketchUp - Sketchup Pro Tutorial

From the course: SketchUp Pro 2024 Essential Training

Flipping and mirroring objects in SketchUp

- [Instructor] To flip or mirror an object, you can use the flip tool found here. Hover over the different objects and they'll turn blue indicating that is the object you're about to flip. Let's flip this chair. Click release on the chair and you'll see the red, green and blue panels that align with each corresponding axis. We're going to flip it to the opposite side of the table, so I'm going to click on the green panel and you'll see that it flips and we can move it to the other side. Alternatively, we can make a copy and flip it at the same time using modifier keys. If you look in the lower left-hand corner, we can see that option equals toggle flip copy. If you're on a Windows computer, that's going to be the control key. But remember, you can always look in the lower-left hand corner to see which modifier key you can add to add functions to the current tool. So I'm going to tap my option key 'cause I'm on a Mac. You can see the plus sign appears next to the flip icon and I can…
