From the course: SAS Essential Training: 2 Regression Analysis for Healthcare Research

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Stepwise linear regression modeling

Stepwise linear regression modeling

- [Instructor] If you look in your exercise files for this movie, you'll find this Excel file named Continuous_ Desc Tbl _v4_ Complete with all tests. This is a blast from the past. It is our Continuous Descriptive Table from the previous course. I brought it back because I wanted to show you how I use this descriptive table to help guide me during my regression analysis. First, as we are doing our linear regression models, remember Slept Time 1 is always going to be our dependent variable. The question is what independent variables do we want to include in our final model? This is our exposure. The goal of our final regression model is to include this variable no matter what and then all the other independent variables or confounders that make this model fit the best. Once we have that together, if the slope for this exposure, which is having diabetes, is not statistically significant, it means our hypothesis…
