From the course: SAS Essential Training: 2 Regression Analysis for Healthcare Research
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Solution: Fit a logistic regression model - SAS Tutorial
From the course: SAS Essential Training: 2 Regression Analysis for Healthcare Research
Solution: Fit a logistic regression model
(upbeat music) - [Instructor] Okay, I'm going to show you my solution to this challenge in SAS ODA. All the code up to this point here is the original challenge code, so let me highlight and run that so we can get up to date. Okay, I won't check the log like I normally do because I just ran it before this video and made sure it was fine. Instead, let's go back to the Code tab. So let's start with my solution. See this large data step? This is where I formatted the covariates the way I wanted so I could enter them as independent variables in the model. I input dataset Derm_b and output Derm_c. Let's look at the first covariate I developed. Remember, the first protective behavior was going in the shade? I created this variable called Shade and set it to zero. Then in the next line, I said if DEQ034A equals one, or DEQ034A equals two, update Shade to have a one in it. You might remember from the challenge introduction that the code one meant they engaged in the behavior always, and two…
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Logistic regression: Early models5m 39s
Logistic regression: Round 15m 52s
Logistic regression: The final model5m 26s
Logistic regression model metadata3m 29s
AIC and AUC for model fit6m 6s
Interpreting the logistic regression model4m 46s
Challenge: Fit a logistic regression model7m 34s
Solution: Fit a logistic regression model5m 35s