From the course: Sales Strategy: How to Effectively Sell Your Product or Service
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Select your sales channels
From the course: Sales Strategy: How to Effectively Sell Your Product or Service
Select your sales channels
- When I was young, our television had a grand total of 13 channels. Each channel had a theme. For example, some channels broadcast only local events and content, whereas others broadcast mostly news. It didn't take long to figure out which channels broadcast the types of shows that I was most interested in watching, which was where I spent most of my time. I would jump directly to Channel three, for example, which was a channel that played shows like "Night Court", "Family Ties", and even "Miami Vice". Yes, I know I'm dating my myself, but the point is that selecting the channels to watch saved me a tremendous amount of time and ensured my goals, which are in this case being entertained, were me. In sales, we need to practice the same method of selecting our channels to be sure we focus our energy and efforts on those companies that have the greatest need for what we are selling. For example, if you were selling…
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