From the course: Navisworks Essential Training 2023

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Creating reports: HTML

Creating reports: HTML

- [Narrator] Not everybody is lucky enough to have Navisworks. Not everybody's lucky enough to know how to use Navisworks. That's okay. We have a plan just for this situation. By demonstrating through this video, we will create a report that is controlled via HTML. This report is exported, then can be open as basically a webpage, allowing the Navisworks-less party to join in on the Clash fun. So in Navisworks, let's widen our Clash window. Let's go to our Report tab. For Output Settings, let's select Current Test again. We'll keep all of the other items the same, except for Report Format. Instead of As Viewpoints, let's go to HTML. Let's write that report. Now, let's browse where we're keeping our Exercise Files. I'm just going to throw mine in my Navisworks folder. And we'll have Mechanical to Sprinkler HTML. It's going to create an HTML file, and it's going to create the folder that corresponds with it. So let's click…
