From the course: Managing Stress (2019)

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Managing availability at work

Managing availability at work

From the course: Managing Stress (2019)

Managing availability at work

- A lot of advice about managing stress applies to life in general, not just work. But we should start with one that is uniquely about the time you spend at work. One huge issue at work is availability. That's how much time you're open. When people can find you in your work area to say hello or ask you a question or ask for your help. Being available or accessible is good, right? Well, sometimes yes. Sometimes not so much. Another way to think about this concept is to say that accessibility is how much time you allow yourself to be interrupted by others. Believe it or not, the best rule of thumb is that you're not supposed to be universally available. The first major factor you have to manage is all of the digital products around you. I don't care that technology today can keep you connected 10 different ways 24 hours a day. If lower stress and productivity are your goals, you must learn to selectively disconnect. You're constantly bombarded with reminders, emails, texts, and other…
