From the course: IT Service Management Foundations: Problem Management

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Prioritization tools

Prioritization tools

- [Instructor] A key challenge in problem-solving is to prioritize what needs to be done in order for you to be the most effective person. As President Eisenhower once said, "I have two kinds of problems, the urgent and the important. "The urgent are not always important, "and the important are never urgent. "Now this, I think, represents a dilemma of modern man." He knew that a lot of things that come across his desk are simply distractions. The tools in this video hope to help you have a clear desk and work on what really needs to get done. What better place to start than the Eisenhower matrix? This tool sets up four distinct categories. The first is the Do category, and this is reserved for things that are urgent and important and that should be done right now. The second is the Delegate box. In this box, you assign tasks to someone else for things that are urgent, but not important, or where your specific time and…
