From the course: Inclusive Leadership
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Overcome bias and microaggressions
From the course: Inclusive Leadership
Overcome bias and microaggressions
- When most people hear the word bias, their minds quickly go to something negative. Words like discrimination, prejudice, and bigotry typically spring to mind. But consider these everyday biases that we all have. Unconsciously favoring employees who share the same or similar backgrounds, potentially overlooking diverse talent. Assuming that someone physically attractive is also kind, or trustworthy without sufficient evidence. Passing a woman over for a promotion thinking that she would not make an effective leader to a mostly male team. Contending that a worker over 50 cannot learn the newest technology upgrade. But bias isn't evidence of a deficit in character. Rather, it's simply one way that the brain makes decisions. Oftentimes, people are unaware of their own biases. After all, these are decisions that sometimes happen in less than a second, below the level of conscious thought. Many times, however, these same biases are very apparent to those around them, particularly if the…
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Enhance authenticity and transparency4m 36s
Overcome bias and microaggressions4m 50s
Practice inclusive communication4m 10s
Develop cultural intelligence4m 5s
Foster inclusion in hybrid or remote workplaces4m 13s
Apply an equity and inclusion lens in decision-making4m 21s