From the course: Inclusive Leadership
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Eight common practices of inclusive leaders
From the course: Inclusive Leadership
Eight common practices of inclusive leaders
- You've heard me share that I'm a global workforce thought leader, president and CEO of SDS Global Enterprises, and have been in human resources for more than 30 years working for Fortune 100 global companies. These roles have afforded me the opportunity to build an extensive network, to access the latest and most relevant trends in leadership, and work with leaders at every level, including members of corporate boards. So I wanted to culminate this course by sharing some common practices from real and forward thinking leaders on how they became more inclusive and how they drove inclusion inside their organizations. These leaders, which I have included a list of them in the exercise files, have either been clients that I've consulted with, served with alongside on a board, or have observed them over the past decades. Here's some of the practices. They proactively embarked on their own learning journey through assessments, feedback, skills training, and personal introspection…
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