From the course: Cybersecurity with Cloud Computing

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Microsoft Azure cloud

Microsoft Azure cloud

- [Instructor] Microsoft is one of the major cloud service providers with its Azure Cloud. Let's take a look at what it offers. To do this, you can set up a free account for up to 12 months. I've got a pay as you go account set up already. So let's get started. I've logged into the management console, which shows the common and most often used services, and we can see more services by clicking on the arrow. This shows some further services and adds a menu at the left to all the services. The menu includes compute, and further down, networking and storage, as we'd expect. Azure also offers AI and machine learning services, web and mobile services, and containers. We can see identity, and further down, security services. Let's check out the compute services from Azure. We can see a large number of different services grouped as infrastructure as a service, platform as a service, serverless and microservices, high performance computing, and hybrid cloud. In infrastructure as a service, we…
