From the course: Cisco Certified CyberOps Associate (200-201) Cert Prep: 2 Security Monitoring

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Ensuring trust on the Internet

Ensuring trust on the Internet

- [Instructor] There are some common cryptographic concepts and terms network administrators should understand. These include key exchange, digital signatures, certificates, certificate authority, and public key infrastructure. Key exchange is securely exchanging the shared secret key between parties. Digital signature is a value generated using public key encryption that verifies data's origin and integrity. A certificate authority is a trusted third party in a hybrid crypto system that both parties trust. The certificate authority issues certificates. We use a certificate authority when using secure socket layer to communicate securely on the web. Examples include Symantec, Verisign, and DigiCert, which are companies that provide certificate services. When completing transactions on the internet, we need to use someone's public key and we need to be able to trust that the key is from the entity from whom we receive it.…
