From the course: ChatGPT Search: Conversational, Real-Time Research
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Using ChatGPT search for news - ChatGPT Tutorial
From the course: ChatGPT Search: Conversational, Real-Time Research
Using ChatGPT search for news
- [Instructor] Now let's take a look at a couple ways you can take advantage of conversational search with ChatGPT search. Because ChatGPT can be much more up to date with current affairs, you can ask it to bring you up to speed on the news. For example, maybe you saw a headline or read something in passing that you want to learn more about. So I'll say it to ChatGPT, "I saw a headline about Apple changing their position on the right to repair devices. Tell me about that and explain why it's significant." So we can see it searching the web and now I have a pretty decent rundown of the issue which includes citations of its sources that I can click to find out more. But as we know, we can also just keep the conversation going and ask related questions like "Did Apple ever make any public statements on their reluctance to allow consumers to repair their devices on their own?" And again, we get a response. This one has three different citations from three different sources. Let's ask one…