From the course: Blender 4.0 Essential Training
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Using Geometry Nodes for VFX - Blender Tutorial
From the course: Blender 4.0 Essential Training
Using Geometry Nodes for VFX
- [Instructor] In this video, we'll take a look at how we can use geometry nodes to create a simulation. The first thing we need to do is go to file new, and just make a brand new file. Come up to geometry nodes, and let's get some real estate by left click and dragging this little point, closing that up, coming down here, and clicking on new. Now for this, I want to generate a bunch of points inside this cube, not on the edges. So let's grab this. Left click from here and let go. And you can see a little menu pops up. Instead of using shift + A, you can drag from already visible nodes and points to make a new node. Type in "Mesh to volume." And you can look at that. It creates it and it connects it for you. Now from here, connect it to geometry and you can see what's going on. It turned it into a small volume. Drag again. Distribute points in volume. Let's give ourselves a bunch of points. Alright, now we need…
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Overview of Geometry Nodes in Blender1m 3s
Geometry Node samples5m 21s
Your first Geometry Node setup8m 42s
Using Geometry Nodes for a trench run9m 44s
Using Geometry Nodes for VFX10m
Turn your Geometry Node into a tool6m 55s
Challenge: Implement Geometry Nodes1m 3s
Solution: Implementing Geometry Nodes8m 23s