From the course: Blender 2.91 Essential Training
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UV tools - Blender Tutorial
From the course: Blender 2.91 Essential Training
UV tools
- [Instructor] In this video, we're going to take our totally weird and distorted fish and clean it up a little bit so it's not so distorted. Now, there's one way to preview distortion and it requires just a couple of steps. First, let's switch to object mode. Come up to our little texture area here and click on new. Where it says blank, switch it to a color grid and name it just by clicking on untitled, ColorGrid. That's pretty good. Now, click on okay. That will generate this cool little color grid with a bunch of numbers on it. Now, click on materials tab. If our fish does not have a material, you can go ahead and make a new one and under base color, click this little yellow dot and go to image texture, click the dropdown right here and go to color grid. At first, you may not see anything, but if I hold down my middle mouse, I can drag this little bar here at the top or I can just move this over to get some…
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Overview of texturing57s
Creating your first materials5m 2s
The Shader Editor6m 34s
Unwrapping4m 19s
UV tools6m 23s
Paint your first texture3m 57s
Deep dive: Preserving normal detail6m 55s
Challenge: Make your fish look wet1m 5s
Solution: Make your fish look wet4m 7s