From the course: Blender 2.91 Essential Training
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Solution: Animate the fish - Blender Tutorial
From the course: Blender 2.91 Essential Training
Solution: Animate the fish
(upbeat music) - [Instructor] Okay, now let's dive into the solution on how to use shape keys and add a little bit more love to the fins in our animation. First, let's take a look at shape keys. With these bones in the way, it's going to be a little hard to see what's going on. You could go ahead and go to the outliner and hide the armature. Or you could come back to this visibility and just turn off armature right from here. The cool thing about object type visibility is that it'll turn off all the armatures, not just the one you have selected. Okay, now let's click on our character. So we need to go to object mode and click on him. Let's open this up a little bit. And at this pose right here, we can go to our Mouth In and Out and we can either hover over it and hit I, or we can click on this little dot. Let's go a little further back and adjust our camera and we can change the value up a little bit. Now, once…
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