From the course: Blender 2.91 Essential Training
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Overview of modeling and sculpting - Blender Tutorial
From the course: Blender 2.91 Essential Training
Overview of modeling and sculpting
- [Instructor] 3D modeling and sculpting is the process of creating 3D art out of vertices, edges, and faces. It's difficult at first, requires multiple tools and an intense amount of studying to ground yourself. For example, if you're interested in characters, then you should study anatomy first and foremost. Then, move on to exploring the fantastical styles from around the world so you can too learn how to exaggerate and caricature your forms. This way of working is called organic modeling or character modeling. Perhaps you're interested in hard surfaces. Instead, you'll focus on things like design, engineering, and structure. You'll want to understand how all the forms like cars, boats, buildings, et cetera, are put together and assembled to work in harmony. Hard surface modeling requires this structural understanding as multiple materials and objects will come together to create the very thing you are making. In this…
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Overview of modeling and sculpting1m 25s
Create your first sculpture3m 56s
Common sculpting tools and settings5m 24s
Deep dive: Dynamic topology3m 31s
Optimizing your model for animation5m 2s
Edit Mode6m 47s
Common modeling tools7m 59s
Challenge: Create an aquarium rock29s
Solution: Create an aquarium rock4m 43s