From the course: Blender 2.91 Essential Training
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Forces simulation in Blender - Blender Tutorial
From the course: Blender 2.91 Essential Training
Forces simulation in Blender
- [Tutor] In this video, I want to talk about forces and how they can interact with your particle simulations. Now, before we get started, I went ahead and duplicated our little plane emitter and made three of them. You also want to be sure that if you're ever duplicating a particle system that you make sure you make each one unique. If for some reason you see a number like one or two over here, where the shield should be, you can just click on this little copy icon and it'll duplicate the particle system for you. If you share one particle system, you can sometimes get unwanted results. I also added collision to a couple of extra rocks and I even put collision on the fishbowl itself because I noticed that some of the bubbles were floating right through it. Okay, now that we're inside the collision tab you can see that there's a lot of cool stuff in here including something called force field. The easiest way though to…
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Overview of particles and physics1m 14s
Particle magic in blender6m 32s
Forces simulation in Blender4m 37s
Filling up with fluid simulations7m 49s
Light it on fire5m 40s
Dynamic painting4m 45s
Deep dive: Caching5m 58s
Challenge: Filling the fish tank1m 14s
Solution: Filling the fish tank6m 39s