From the course: Blender 2.91 Essential Training
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Deep dive: Dynamic topology - Blender Tutorial
From the course: Blender 2.91 Essential Training
Deep dive: Dynamic topology
- [Instructor] Before we leave sculpting mode, I want to talk about one more tool and that's dynamic topology, or dyntopo for short. It lets you add resolution or extra vertices and faces to your 3D model so that you can get even tighter, more detailed forms. Let me show you. First, I want to come up to draw. That way I can draw in some of these forms. Next, I want to make sure that I'm in the tools panel, over here on the right. If I scroll down, I'll see something called dyntopo. Let's hide my brush settings for right now and open up dyntopo and click this little checkbox. Here you'll see a few options, like detail size, et cetera. One right off the bat is smooth shading which will right away take away that faceted look. So things look a lot nicer. Next is detail size. The more detail we have, that is the lower the number, the more resolution we'll add to our 3D mesh. I'm going to go with six. All right, now with this…
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Overview of modeling and sculpting1m 25s
Create your first sculpture3m 56s
Common sculpting tools and settings5m 24s
Deep dive: Dynamic topology3m 31s
Optimizing your model for animation5m 2s
Edit Mode6m 47s
Common modeling tools7m 59s
Challenge: Create an aquarium rock29s
Solution: Create an aquarium rock4m 43s