From the course: Becoming an Ally to All

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Be an ally to the affected person

Be an ally to the affected person

From the course: Becoming an Ally to All

Be an ally to the affected person

- With regard to your relationship to the affected person, the question we want you to ask is, "Am I helping the affected person as they want to be helped?" The implicit distinction here is between helping them as they want to be helped rather than helping them as you wish to help them. Oftentimes, with the best of intentions, we simply assume that individuals want to be helped as we would wish to be helped in their situation. But the whole point of diversity and inclusion is that people are different, which means that there'll be differences in the ways individuals would wish to be helped. So rather than adopting the golden rule of helping others as you would wish to be helped in their situation, please consider the platinum rule of helping them as they would wish to be helped. Oftentimes, doing that will require you to ask some additional questions. For example, "Could my intervention be received as unhelpful…
