From the course: AI Trends
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GitHub Copilot
- GitHub Copilot got a big upgrade since its release in June, 2022, and it includes a version for business. Here's what you need to know. Since the release, we've learned a lot more about what developers have been doing with Copilot. According to GitHub's research and usage data, Copilot has been generating 46% of developer's code across all programming languages, and 61% for Java developers. And in terms of satisfaction, 90% of developers are reporting they complete tasks faster with Copilot, with 75% reporting a better ability to focus on more satisfying work, which is the whole purpose behind Copilot. In addition to that, GitHub has improved the OpenAI Codex, the artificial intelligence model that parses natural language and the code. Copilot used to look at the code that came before the insertion point to make suggestions. The new Codex uses the model called, "Fill in the Middle," or FIM, which also looks…